Oxygéne Alerts from Hande


Love Your Inner Child 👶💓

Have you ever done any inner child work? If not, your definition of crying must be different than mine.

And so is your definition of relief.

My vision for 2021 was a year where everything came together. Instead, everything came apart. Or rather, it seemed to me that way for some time.

My yoga training was one of the things I tried to hold on to. At times, it got intense because I was already living in my head most of the time and yoga wanted to take me further inward.

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An Online Course For Healing Through Creativity💫

One of the ways I find my flow is through dancing. So I went dancing the other night. The kind of dancing where there's no talking, shoes or booze. Two hours of nonstop movement. Jumping, swaying, stomping till you think you can't anymore, and then dancing some more.


November Offerings

This week I began lighting a candle every morning and meditating in front of it for at least 10 minutes. The bright flame reminds me of my own fire which I promise to keep lighting up in some way every day during the dark, cold months of winter - however small that gesture may be.